Thursday, November 25, 2010

..the shows about to start...

Sew (so.. haha funny) i have one week and i have SO MUCH TO DO!!!

I have now given up on redbull regular and now started drinking redbull shots! SCARY! The Laughs in class have stopped and well.. its just not funny anymore. The only places i have been and tafe and home.. OH AND DK fabrics and spotlight! (VIP membership heading my way i think so) (oh and .. when the little ladies at DK start saying "oh you here again" you should start to worry)

Finally i have gotten though most of my outfits and the drama starts again when the construction of a few accessories stuff right up and I'm forced to simplify!! That's pretty much my nightmare! but i have no choice! i NEED 6 outfits on that runway NO MATTER WHAT!!!

OH and how can i forget... we have a fitting 3 days before the show and.. what? um excuse me? huh?? the shorts i have made have shrunk??? OH YES!! 13 cm to be precise! OH DEAR GOD!!

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